Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gamla stan

Gamla stan, (translated, means "a really big old house built on water owned by the King and Queen") is home to the King and Queen, well not home any longer, they moved to a place that is not sinking - they are smart. Anyway, the "stan" as it is not called, is home to the Royal Palace or Kungliga slottet as Google likes to translate it and it is the quintessential European city within a city. Except that it is in Scandinavia and the people were really nice, the streets clean, and no one tried to pick Wynn's pocket, or pick the back of his knee cap, if you get my drift.

Anyway the food amazing, the museums fun, and the changing of the guard crowded with Italian tourists saying skuss-sa, skus-sa as they walked in front of everyone else standing behind the rope. Well they were not saying anything, just stepping on toes, the "skuss-sa" part was me being polite and giving them credit for what must have been in their hearts.

Speaking of hearts, there is a royal wedding in a few weeks, HRH Princess Victoria (Princess V to her American friends) is marrying a commoner... gotta love this country. I mean... he is a regular guy, although he is a professional weight lifter, so he is a buff regular guy, but it just gives every working-stiff hope to become a prince some day.

And another word about working-stiffs - the most amazing job in all of Sweden, the guy who reads the schedule of the King and Queen each day. I bet his shoe allowance is more than most folks make in a year. He seemed really happy at his job.

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