Monday, June 7, 2010

Genealogy Day

Tami and Wynn went on a sojourn of their own and traveled to her great grand father’s village of Skillinge and connected to her 12.5 percent heritage. Luckily Wynn inherited the navigational gene (Tami headed for the bus instead of the train to start the trip).

According to Tami “Skillinge is an old, quaint fishing village where they felt at home- country mice that they are.”

I spent most of the morning in the Malmo library, where much to my surprise, everything was in Swedish – go figure. But I was able to find a detailed map book and found most of the cities listed on my genealogy chart, not to mention the correct Swedish spelling of names mangled over a couple of generations of Ameriglish.

After some help from the hotel front desk staff via some non-English speaking cousins, I spoke with my third cousin once removed or maybe twice removed, not sure yet – we are still trying to figure that out. It was interesting to realize that there is an alternative universe of folks my grand parents left behind... More once Marie Perrson emails me back.

1 comment:

  1. its a good thing Wynn did go ! it bad when you dont know the differance between a bus and the train !!! hope you took some good pics for all of us americans, so we know where we came from.
